Emma: Tokki Chums Christmas Story
Happy Holidays to everyone this season! My chums and I have been very busy as the end of the year comes to a close. We've traveled worldwide to meet up with our families for the holidays. Once Christmas arrived, we planned on giving gifts to one another. We were all excited to give each other the gifts we all wanted.
Before meeting up for Christmas, my chums and I visited our respective families for the holidays. Stefan traveled back to Sweden to see his many family relatives. Henri was busy with holiday travel to Spain and France to meet extended families from both countries. Ken went back to Australia to see his close friends and family. I was fortunate enough to see my family in South Korea. It was a long flight there, but I was happy to see my parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, and friends.
Our travel was packed, as many people during this time of year take the plane, train, or drive to meet with loved ones. As a native of a home country, it feels refreshing to come back to a place you're familiar with. You're familiar with how people act and live, and you sometimes get homesick after living in a different country for so long. Once we came back from our family trips, however, the fun was just about to begin as we got ready to exchange gifts with one another.
We decided to meet at Henri's house for Christmas dinner. He helped orchestrate a Christmas ham for us while we chipped in and made the sides. We made green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, rice, mac and cheese, brussels sprouts, and corn pudding. It was a delicious meal, especially with the help from all of us. Afterwards, it was time for presents!
Henri was the first to open his, and he was quite surprised with what he got. He received a new tennis shirt, maracas to shake and dance with, and a new cup to keep his boba tea in. Stefan enjoyed the gifts he received from us. It included a vinyl record from one of his favorite artists, Bon Jovi, new trekking poles since his old ones were worn down, and a pair of comfy sweatpants for the cold winter. Ken's gifts included a new surfboard, anew set of dumbbells, and a tank top to wear for the beach. He can't wait until summer to try out his new surfboard. Finally, I received gifts from my chums, and I enjoyed them all! I got a new pink hoodie, a new tennis racket, and tickets to the next BTS concert! All the gifts I got were thoughtful, and I'm glad my chums got them for me.