Stefan: Thanksgiving with the Chums
Hello again everyone, and Happy Thanksgiving! The team and I planned a fun and exciting Thanksgiving day with lots of food and tennis for us to play. Everyone met at my house for the day and brought all the food they made. We've been planning our day for quite some time now, with everyone wanting to chip in. Let me talk about our exciting day!
Before our dinner, we decided to have a friendly match. At our local tennis court, it was Ken and I against Emma and Henri. Before we started, Ken and I planned how to beat Emma and Henri. We knew that Emma was fast on the court, so we had to do our best to put the ball way out of her reach so she wouldn't have time to get to it. Henri has powerful serves, so we had to be ready for each one, no matter how fast. At first, it was a tight matchup, with all of us going back and forth to race for the ball. We made some good plays by communicating clearly with each other. However, Emma and Ken did a fantastic job adjusting to our schemes. They had an answer for everything we did. Unfortunately, we ended up losing in a close game. After the match, we were all exhausted. And very hungry! So we went back to my house to rest up a bit and get ready for our feast.
For Thanksgiving, we decided that all of us would choose two dishes to cook to share for our dinner. One dish would be from a traditional Thanksgiving dish, and the other from our home country. I was in charge of making the turkey for everyone and my signature Swedish meatballs. I've never made a turkey, so I knew this would be a challenging dish. Ken went with mac and cheese and Lamingtons from his home country, Australia. A lamington is an Australian sponge cake in the shape of a square. Usually, it would have a chocolate sauce inside, but he made it with strawberry jam. Emma made a delicious green bean casserole and Tteokguk, a rice cake soup for Chuseok. Chuseok is known as Korean Thanksgiving, which isn't exactly like the American holiday but similar, involving family gatherings and sharing food. Henri made three dishes, one traditional and two for his Spanish and French background. Henri made a tasty pumpkin pie, Ensalada de San Isidro which is a classic Spanish salad, and French onion soup.
After having a delicious Thanksgiving meal with everyone, we talked about our exciting tennis matchup. We gave out some pointers and what we could do better. We're all very knowledgeable about tennis, so we always want to learn more and what we can do better. After some time, it was getting later, and my chums decided to head back home. We planned to meet again over the weekend for another friendly matchup. Next time, it would be Henri and I against Emma and Ken. With some much-needed advice, we're all excited to go back out and play hard again!